
Guide for Public, Private, and Classroom Viewing

Information about the film and discussion questions for classroom and public viewings can be found in the What’s For Dinner? viewing guide. There, you’ll also find suggested movie titles to pair with the film as well as links to other resources that explore the global impacts of the growing consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy.

Organizing a Public Screening

If you are considering hosting a public screening of What’s For Dinner?, there are a few things to take into consideration, such as venue, audience size, event promotion, admission price, and accompaniment to film (i.e. a speaker, an audience discussion, or another film). Working Films offers a helpful guide for hosting a community screening. If you have any questions about hosting a screening, don’t hesitate to contact us.


To rent or purchase the film, visit our eStore. *Sliding scale rates available to student and community groups (please contact us).

pricing list